Thursday, June 3, 2010

Christian Cross Tattoos design

Christian Cross Tattoos Trends For 2010

People who are religious by nature, are often tempted to get a tattoo displaying their sentiments. Christianity has no prohibitions against tattoos, and as a result of this, Christian cross tattoos are very popular and widespread.

eligious tattoos have long been a popular choice for Americans and people from other countries as well, and none more so than Christian cross tattoos. There are so many variations possible with these tattoos, and each one can be altered in a way to suit the individual’s particular mentality. Displaying one’s affection and belief for God and religion is something that has always captured people’s imagination, and there are a multitude of Christian cross tattoos that one can choose from.

The most attractive thing about Christian cross tattoo designs is their unlimited versatility. They can be designed to signify a large number of things, and they are available in an endless number of sizes and colors. A special message can also be added to these tattoos, in order to add a larger sense of personalization to these tattoo designs.The Latin cross (or the Crux Ordinaria) is a design that dominates most Christian cross tattoos for men and women, but it must be noted that not all the cross tattoos that you see are religious in nature. Some people get them simply because they look attractive, or can be made to look attractive by altering certain aspects of the design. Tribal cross tattoos are a good example of this, as they create a unique blend of tribal tattoos and Christian cross tattoos.

Christian Cross Tattoos Trends For 2010

Pre-Christian Crosses
You may or may not be aware of this, but the fact of the matter is that crosses have been popular designs long before Christianity showed up. There are many older Pagan religions that commonly used crosses as their marks, or worshiped the symbol of a cross for many varied reasons. Here are some of the pre-Christian interpretations of crosses in religion and society.

  • Celtic druids viewed the cross as a phallic symbol. Read more about Celtic tattoos.
  • In some cultures, the vertical bar denoted the male phallus, and the horizontal bar denoted the female vagina.
  • The Assyrians viewed the cross as a directional navigator to prevent people from getting lost.
  • The Babylonians associated the cross with their Moon deity.
  • The Egyptians viewed the Ankh cross symbol as a denotion of the union between Isis and Osiris.

As you can see, the fascination with Christian cross tattoos runs beyond Christianity, and its roots lie much deeper than that. Here are some cross tattoo designs for men for you.

Christian Cross Tattoos Trends For 2010

Christian Cross Tattoos
When these cross tattoos are used as a reference to Christianity, it symbolizes the victory of Jesus Christ over the dead and the Romans who crucified him. Crucifixion was a very common way of executing prisoners and slaves at that time, and this is something Jesus Christ endured as well. There are no rules in Christianity that prohibit a person from getting a tattoo, unlike some other religions. Christian cross tattoos for women and men are thus allowed by the religion itself, and are therefore very popular ways of expressing one’s devotion to God.

The vertical line in the most common Latin crosses that are a part of Christianity, signify the divine, while the horizontal line signifies the world. The cross is therefore viewed as an intersection between the two. If the cross shows a picture of Jesus Christ nailed on to it, it is known as a crucifix. Combining some Latin text with Christian cross tattoos is a very well known design, and some people even opt for placing a rosary or a crown of thorns on top of the cross, as an allusion to Christ’s crucifixion.

There are many variations that can be added to Christian cross tattoos, and even the most devout Christians opt for these designs sometimes, as a show of their devotion. Some people view tattoos as a defilement of the body, and therefore look upon Christian cross tattoos with scorn. This is simply their opinion, because ultimately, each individual has their own way of being devout. By Rahul Thadani

Intricately Inked To Appeal To the Eye

People have been inking themselves with tattoos since time unknown. There have been many purposes behind tattooing a body. In the olden days, it was a symbol of the transition of a boy from adolescence into manhood. Some cultures also engrave their body with tattoos based on some rituals. Celtic cross tattoo designs are very popular tattoos and you can see many people with this tattoo on their body. Depending on the place on your body you want to ink them in, the size will also vary. Most people love to have them on their chest or back so that they have a large canvas to ink the tattoo in.

Different symbols convey different meanings depending on the culture and religion they are being used. The cross is supposed to occupy a special place in the Christian religion but it is felt that the cross has been important since a long time before this era to the Celtic times. TheCeltic cross tattoo designs were prevalent in those times too and were done in a number of variations. The cross could be very simple or there could be intricate designs used with it. The Celtic cross remains a favorite with many people to this date too.

You can ink Celtic cross tattoo designs on any part of your body. But you should be careful about the place you want to keep it in and the size because the tattoo is for life. Take the help of an

experienced tattoo artist who can help you choose the exact Celtic design which will suit you. He will also suggest which tattoo will suit which area of your body. On account of his experience, the tattoo artist is the perfect person to try out various types of Celtic crosses which will look good on you. With time, people have been experimenting on having these tattoos removed from their body. With the laser technique, it is becoming easy now to get rid of the tattoo and ink yourbody with a new one.

Most tattoo artists have a great knowledge of the rich history of the Celtic cross tattoo designs and when they have to ink them on the human body, they do it with real enthusiasm. He will take the trouble to prepare the canvas well before inking the tattoo. These tattoos really appeal to the eyes and can have several knots, twirls, curves and loops to weave intricate designs around the cross. You only have to choose the rightCeltic cross tattoo designs and your body is sure to become the center of attraction wherever you go.